Course Title: Helpers (Haringey Family Hubs)
Number of places available: 12
Course start date: 05/02/2025
Course end date: 21/05/2025
Day and time of sessions: Wednesday mornings. All dates inclusive:
Wednesday 5th – Wednesday 12th February
Wednesday 5th March – Wednesday 2nd April
Wednesday 23rd April – Wednesday 21st May
Assignments to be completed by: 28/05/2025
Course venue: Online
Closing date for applications: 19/11/2024
Proposed interview date (if applicable):
DBS/PVG required: Yes (BfN will arrange this at no cost to volunteers)
Course information:
The Haringey Peer Support Service is committed to better representing the families in our borough and this course will train this course will train Black and Asian women to become peer supporters. Please include this detail in your application form as this is an essential requirement for trainees to this course.
Training will be online with one face-to-face session in the east of the borough. We offer a free, 12 week, OCN accredited course for local breastfeeding parents to train with us with the opportunity to become a Breastfeeding Network trained volunteer. We are actively seeking people passionate about breastfeeding and who wish to make a difference in their community.
As a council commissioned peer supporter course, priority will be given to Haringey residents during the selection process.
How to apply:
If you are interested in being considered for this role please complete the online application form found at the link below.
If you have any questions about the course, voluntary role or application process, please email or telephone our HR Advisor on 0844 412 0995.