For more information or to find a group near you visit our linktree, here.
Since May 2018, Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire Community Health Services have been working with The Breastfeeding Network to give mums the best possible chance of reaching their own breastfeeding goals.
In Derbyshire, over 70 Breastfeeding Network volunteers provide peer support to families and all of our support is completely free to access.
Our well trained peer supporters provide emotional support to mothers and families, support mothers with positioning and attachment, and signpost parents to up-to-date information. Our volunteers, who have all breastfed their own babies, play an important role in empowering new mothers and helping them to gain the confidence they need to breastfeed for as long as they wish.
Type of services available
- Indoor support groups
- 121 support on zoom (contact your local peer support team to organise)
- Group “chat” closed groups on Facebook
- Antenatal zoom groups
- Parent in the park walks
Contact details
For updates on opening times please contact your local peer support team (which you can
find here: https://linktr.ee/derbyshire_bfn) or email derbyshire@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk
Social media and other links
Facebook bfnderbyshire
Instagram bfn_derbyshire